Building BoneBlocker

I know I’ve gone dark for quite a while, but I am back in a big way! As some people may know, I quit my job back in October of 2023 to pursue some ventures, and now I’m finally able to present this project to the world!

This project is BoneBlocker, a giant, 8×14 glass block wall backlit by over 3.000 addressable LEDs! It’s the backdrop to the Coin-Op’s bar, and they recently reopened as a part of Boneyard Chattanooga!

For those of you unfamiliar with Coin-Op, it’s the brainchild of Brian Hennen, and was a staple of Chattanooga for years! It’s our friendly neighborhood barcade, where you can come in, enjoy a cheap beer or soda, and throw a few quarters at an afternoon of pinball, Puzzle Bobble, or any number of classic arcade games. Since they closed their original location a few years back, many people have expressed just how much they missed the space, and their return is exciting for so many of us!

Back in August, my best friend and co-founder of Boneyard, Lewis Armistead, called me one afternoon while he and Brian were brainstorming. He let me know that “Coin-Op is going to be reopened inside Boneyard, and they were thinking of building a giant, glass block wall behind the bar” and I said, “And you want to make it a giant, playable Tetris-style game!” We were 100% on the same page, but I had no idea how I was going to pull this off. My 9-5 was taking everything from me, and I couldn’t get over to Boneyard while they weren’t open to work on the game.

Thankfully, my wonderful girlfriend Caroline decided to support me, so I could pursue a few projects! With her support, I was able to put in my 2-weeks, and start working!

Lewis and Brian got to work constructing the wall while I took a sample of the blocks they acquired and ran a test. I ordered a very dense roll of WS2812B LEDs from BTF-LIGHTING, and they were intensely bright! The colors were vibrant, and I couldn’t wait to see the whole wall lit up!

After some testing, I was really happy with the outcome and how I could control the LEDs with my Arduino Mega and the FastLED library. I ran the numbers, and with the original density of 60 LEDs/Meter, we were going to be around 1500 watts of power draw just for the wall. That’s pretty much an entire residential circuit, so I decided on going with 30 LEDs/Meter, which still provided great results. I tested this by activating only every-other LED on the test block, and we were all pretty happy with how it looked.

While Brian and Lewis finished up the wall, I sourced the LEDs straight from BTF-Lighting on Alibaba. Their turnaround was fantastic, and I don’t believe we found a defective strip or even a dead LED in the massive order! I waited until they had finished the wall, and then got to work stringing the LEDs. I decided on 4 strips per column run vertically with 6 LEDs per strip per block row. Each LED strip would be driven on its own channel, and there would be an unused LED between each row for 97 LEDs per strip and 24 LEDs per block!

Since the wall was to be placed in the corner of the room, Lewis had the brilliant idea to build the base on casters. That way, it could be pulled away from the wall and rotated to a position where a ladder could be placed for working on it. Moving the completed wall is nerve-wracking, but the structure is built extremely well, and while stationary, it is anchored to the building’s walls. Hopefully, we won’t need to pull it away again for a very long time!

The wall oriented for LED installation.

To attach the LEDs to the wall, I considered epoxy, tape, and a few other options. Ultimately, I decided on hot glue (and lots of it). I thought this process would go a little faster than it did, but I made the mistake of doing each strip individually. The time up and down the ladder is what really kills your productivity. After having done 4 of the 8 columns, I decided to do the remaining 4 all together, and progress was much faster. I left the LEDs spooled up, and allowed them to unspool as I worked from the bottom up to attach them.

The center 4 columns halfway done.

Once the LEDs were strung, I got to work wiring them. I wanted to ensure each strip was individually fused to make a fault less likely to take out the whole wall. This has the added benefit of making diagnostics easier. I had a few friends provide me with some nice scrap wire from industrial sensor installations (too short to be used for their applications), and I set to work creating what I hope will prove to be a serviceable backbone.

After wiring the columns, I couldn’t help but get excited! I used the same code on the Arduino Mega to control each column individually just by holding their data connections to the one output pin until the LEDs were a solid color. And WOW! The wall lit up beautifully!

First test lighting the whole wall! Note that the LEDs are even facing away from the camera. This is just the back!

Now it was time to start programming! But I ran into a little problem… My plan had been to use the same Arduino Mega to drive the entire wall with the FastLED library. There’s enough IO to drive all 32 strips, so I did not think this would be a problem, but upon starting to write the code, the Arduino IDE informed me that I was out of RAM after initializing all 32 outputs. I could only control a little over half the wall with one Arduino Mega. “No problem,” I thought, “I can just use 2”. But man, am I glad I stopped to do some back-of-the-napkin math! I realized that, using an Arduino’s USB to serial connection, I was only going to be able to send enough data to update the LEDs at around 3 to 5 times per second at best. And that is a big problem if we wanted to play a game on this thing!

So, I went looking for solutions. After some research, it seems many people have been doing some CRAZY projects using the WLED ESP32 firmware. I wanted to avoid a wireless connection if I could, so I decided on WT32-ETH01 boards. These guys are ESP32 compatible boards with onboard Ethernet and are supported by the WLED web installer! After reading through the WLED documentation on performance, I decided on using 4 outputs per board, and that meant I’d use 1 board per column. In hindsight, this is probably overkill, but the cost overall isn’t too bad to ensure we had enough performance to update the wall very quickly.

ESP32 based boards with WLED installed are fantastic for these kinds of LED projects, but they need some help. The ESP32 provides 3.3V logic outputs, and the LEDs are expecting 5V communication. For many smaller projects, this may not be an issue, but it is recommended to run a logic-level converter to step the 3.3V up to 5V. The larger your installation and the longer your LED strips, the more important it is to use 5V logic to ensure each LED gets its data.

I purchased 2 different logic-level converters, and ultimately decided to use the Texas Instruments SN74AHCT125N. This IC comes recommended from the WLED documentation, and Adafruit provides some great documentation and drawings showing how to use it for driving their NeoPixel LED strips (which are very similar to the WS2812B strips I’m using) from a Raspberry Pi (another 3.3V logic device).

I decided to make the boards for the logic-level converters and their connections to the ESP32 modules. This may have been the biggest mistake I made in this whole project. They turned out functional, and I’m proud they are working, but I would have been way better off with a printed circuit board. Stripping and soldering tiny pieces of Ethernet wire as the traces on protoboard is very time consuming, and just one of these boards (there are 4 in total with each housing 2 modules and 2 converters) takes about 6 to 8 hours to complete.

Because I had originally wired the wall for a single Arduino Mega, I wanted to make sure the layout of all these controllers was compact while being accessible. I ended up creating a project panel on a piece of plywood, and it turned out pretty clean!

This panel was mounted perpendicular to the wall on the back side with all of the wiring. Around the same time I completed these LED controllers, Lewis and Brian were able to finish building the bar for the space. I think they compliment each other beautifully!

From this stage, it was all about writing the software for the game. I knew that I wanted to build this with Node.js, because I had used that in the past for passing data from serial to a web page. and I was using an Arduino Mega for the controller inputs. I had done some work to make an animation sequence that will play on the upcoming block display. This is my first time doing any software development in 3D rendering, and I chose Three.js to make it happen. I’m very pleased with the outcome! It has just the right kind of retro/arcade vibe I was wanting to achieve!

I worked with John Hugget to develop an “emulator” for the block wall’s layout. This web page was a dynamically configured table with cells representing each block and served as the foundation I used for testing my game logic. I had never written a game before, but every tutorial I found involved writing to the screen. Unfortunately, there is no traditional ” screen” in this case, so I was forced to just start writing what I thought I needed. I looked at the fantastic, open source game BlockRain for inspiration on how to store and render the different shape orientations, but then I kind of just started writing the different functions I thought I needed. Soon enough, I had a playable rendition of the game working in the cells on the webpage. Those were getting updated with data from a multidimensional array that was where the game was actually being played. From there, all I needed was to figure out the WLED API calls I needed to make to update the wall to reflect the table I was playing the game on, and suddenly, the game was working in real-time on the wall!

For some reason, the grid was not updating, but you can see my entire test interface on the right. Also, I love how the lit up blocks reflect off the bar top!

So, then we came to the final steps. I needed to build the controller. Early in the project, we had come up with the idea to make the game playable with a glass block. It was an ambitious goal, but I thought I could pull it off. I decided to make an XY gantry system using skateboard bearings and steel pipe. 3D printing was utilized to make each one of the carriages, and the entire block assembly could be rotated to rotate the shape on the wall. It uses a 4-lobe cam system with a spring-loaded skate bearing to ensure that the block snaps to each quarter-turn.

Here, you can see the majority of the gantry components assembled. This lives under the surface of the controller and supports the movement of the block.

For holding the block, I reached out to Donald Sayers. I knew he had a Voron 2.4, and I thought he could print me a high quality clear housing for the glass block itself. He took a look at my (admittedly uninspired) design, and asked to take a crack at it. I’m so glad he did! His idea was to emphasize the “chunk” in the design, and it’s almost like you’re holding some sort of caged power in your hands as you play the game. He absolutely nailed it!

Testing the block like I’m wielding Thor’s hammer!

Now, you’ll remember that each block in the wall has 24 LEDs. I wanted to do animations with these LEDs in the controller, so I needed more. In total, this thing ended up with 185 LEDs! Needless to say, they are running at a fraction of their potential brightness. Otherwise, they might blind somebody!

I also wanted the base of the controller to have a steel faceplate. Hopefully with a little bit of patina. Early on, I had picked up a 3/8″ steel plate, and I had my friends Nick and Lucas over at Anval Designs help me plasma cut it. The piece turned out great, and really adds to the industrial vibe of the whole project!

Finally, Lewis and I worked to build a podium and integrate the entire project into the space. The goal was to take up minimal floor and railing space, and I absolutely love the pedestal he came up with! You play the game from an integrated overlook in the space, and I think it adds to the sense of scale you get with the whole project. Especially while you’re watching someone else play!

The podium with out the block, steel plate, or faceplate bezel mounted.

The final result is very satisfying to play! We’re still buttoning up the physical installation, but it’s currently playable, and hopefully will be finalized in the next few weeks. Check out Boneyard’s Jared Padovani testing out the gameplay!

And finally, I’d like to share one of the wall’s party tricks. It’s able to be sequenced with xLights, so we were able to play this animation for Boneyard’s 2-Year anniversary/Coin-Op’s reopening party.

Oh, and I wanted to add this little promo video I shot:

Rigid 18v USB Fast Charger

Every once in a while, you find a deal that makes you buy way more than you need of something. Right now, U-HAUL has 20W USB PD/QC3.0 adapters at the counter. 20W isn’t too remarkable, but it is still fast charging, and is much more capable than the run-of-the-mill 5V 2.4A chargers still floating around. The thing that caught my eye is the 12V to 32V input voltage. That seems odd for a car charger, but it makes these things extremely versatile! Along with that, these branded chargers are only $6! In my book, that’s an absolute steal!

So, I picked up several for various projects I have in mind. I have one in particular I wanted to share here:

The color scheme isn’t perfect, but I really like the way it turned out!

I made this for my best friend for his birthday. Our friend group is always debating the merits of the different power tool lines, and I wanted to get him something personalized to go with his Rigid power tools. Once I saw the U-HAUL branded 12V adapters, I knew I had to make this! Honestly, I had just on a whim purchased the orange PETG, and this was a perfect fit. It uses an adapter from Amazon to attach to the Rigid batteries, and that makes the design process much easier.

If you’d like to build your own, I’ve posted the files up on Printables:

Feel free to remix it for other power tool brands!

3D Printing Functional Car Parts

I haven’t updated this blog in a very long time, but I thought I’d come back and share some progress I’ve made on a few functional car parts.

I ran into an issue on my project car (1982 Volvo 242) where pressing the gas pedal pulled more throttle cable than the radius of the Honda D17 throttle wheel (that I Frankensteined into the build) allowed. When stomping the gas, the throttle would slam against its stop, and I ran into a couple of situations where I popped the end off of the throttle cable. I came to the conclusion that I could 3d print a larger wheel to fix the problem and allow the travel of the throttle cable to match the rotation of the throttle.

Fast forward literally a few years, and I had realized that the D17 throttle was not going to accommodate a larger wheel. I decided to upgrade to a larger throttle body off of a naturally aspirated Volvo 850. I also needed to design an adapter to space it off of the intake manifold. This was necessary to allow for clearance between the throttle wheel and the intake plenum and provide somewhere for the fixed portion of the throttle cable to attach.

I didn’t know the exact angle I’d need to clear the top of the intake manifold, so I designed the manifold-side flange with a chamfer and chamfered the tube where it would meet the flange. After the parts were printed, I used my hot air station along with a piece of filament to weld the flange to the tube (think soldering or TIG welding).

While I was at it, I figured I would also CNC cut some cork gaskets on my little desktop mill. Having the flanges already modeled in FreeCAD made it very easy to convert them into a tool path and start cutting.

The adapter, along with the throttle wheel, were printed in fiberglass reinforced Nylon. This is the same material as the major OEMs are injection molding their intake manifolds with these days, so I’m confident it will hold up to the temperatures and pressures.

I also printed an elbow to mount my pod filter and have a port for crankcase ventilation. I printed this out of PETG, and I’m using it as a test to see how well the plastic holds up to under-hood temperatures this summer. The way I see it, it’s conductively isolated from the heat of the intake manifold, and it has air being pulled through it all the time, so it should be OK.

In order to print this on my Ender 3 with the amount of black PETG I had on hand, I decided to print it vertically. This resulted in less warping over the length of the pipe than my attempts with it lying down. This is because layers shrink in the X and Y, and they shrink a percentage of their total dimensions. Printing it vertically also dramatically reduced the amount of support material necessary, so I had much less waste, and it took a lot less time.

JavaScript Gauge Cluster

I once had a 1987 Mazda RX-7 that I paid only $700 for. It ran, drove, turned, and stopped, but it did absolutely none of them well. I loved the Wankel rotary engine in that car, and despite a completely worn out suspension, the car felt so perfectly balanced right in the middle of a drift.

The wiring in the car had clearly been tampered with over the years. Being the inexperienced and optimistic guy that I was at the time, I decided to rip all of the factory wiring out with the intention of reworking the entire car. Needless to say, that project never happened, but I did end up learning a lot.

This gauge cluster was the best part of that project, and it was supposed to be the cluster for my never completed RX-7 project. Using an Arduino compatible Teensy microcontroller, I was able to send data from real world inputs to a Node.js server. The server was then able to host a web page and send this data to its JavaScript canvas and display it on gauges in real time.

Mostly, I just like the way it looks, but the project taught me about how to render images on screen strictly through JavaScript, and it was my first experience with pushing data to a web page in real time.

Bluetooth Remote Start

This was a project I had wanted to do for a long time. It’s a Bluetooth remote start box that I built using an Arduino compatible Teensy microcontroller, 4 logic-level relay boards, a Bluetooth serial module, a generic metal case, and a few speaker connections from Radio Shack (RIP).

The remote start was programmed to flick relays in response to serial commands sent from my phone over Bluetooth. I could independently turn on accessory power, start the car, and shut it off. The app I used was BlueTooth Serial Controller, and it allowed me to send full serial strings with a simple button press.

In order to make all of this work in my 1992 Saturn SC2 with a manual transmission, I had to bypass the clutch safety switch, but this had been fine since I was very used to keeping the car in neutral and setting the emergency brake. This worked great until I accidentally left it in gear, and upon hitting the button on my phone, my car drove itself into the window of a local restaurant… Thankfully, the divide between the upper an lower window panes stalled the car, and nobody was hurt. I learned a lot about safety that day, and I immediately removed the box from the car. If I were to do it again, I would need to make sure I had a way of making sure the car was truly in neutral before having the microcontroller blip the starter.

Jigsaw Table

Sometimes when you don’t have the right tool for the job, you build it. There are many times I’ve run across situations where I needed to cut aluminum, and while I’ve found that a miter saw with a wood blade was a good option, I wanted something a little safer that I could cut more intricate shapes with. Enter, this little project.

It’s just a super cheap jigsaw attached underneath. I think it was only $16 at Walmart…

The aluminum surface was a scrap piece I had laying around. The legs were pieces to a shelf my parents had cut years ago that never materialized. They were already the same length, so I didn’t have to do much. Just drilled countersunk holes for all the hardware, and used the saw to cut a relief slot for the blade.

And finally, the piece I’m cutting in the first picture is a spacer for the drive gear on the Pints and Pedals cart. That chunk of aluminum is 1 1/4″ thick, and it took FOREVER, but I was able to cut it down and get the new electric drive gear mounted. I hope to be doing a writeup on the Pints and Pedals cart soon. It’s a full electric vehicle conversion and one of the biggest projects I’ve taken on to date.

Touch Table

So, I’ll start this blog off with my high school senior project. Back in 2009, when I was trying to decide what to do, I had initially wanted to build an Android tablet. That was a little too ambitious, and I didn’t get started early enough… The spring of 2010 came, and I really didn’t know what I was doing with my Texas Instruments OMAP 3 development board, so I chose a change of direction. I have to say that I am very happy with the results of this project. It wowed and amazed my classmates, and I had a blast building it.

This touch table works by sensing infrared light with a camera (a modified webcam with a light filter that only allows infrared light to pass through it) positioned in the base of the table facing up. The display is provided from a projector bouncing off of a mirror to get a further throw distance. The software Community Core Vision is able to calibrate touch inputs by sensing bright dots in the camera’s video and making a reference to where they are in relation to the display output.

It was all pretty neat. The original version did not work with touch, but I was able to put some IR LEDs into some gutted highlighters with momentary buttons to make them light up. It was actually really cool to be able to hover over the screen with the pens, but I really wanted to get reflective touch working, and the version in this video has a very bright infrared backlight that my fingers reflect when they come in to contact with the drafting paper surface.

I Think a Blog is the Answer

I’ve been doing way too many projects without documenting them at all, so today I finally decided to start writing this blog. I’m not sure how active I’ll be on here, but my goal is to provide a resource and reference for some of the things I have and will be working on. First, I’ll start by creating an archive of some of the older projects I’ve done, and I think I’ll be moving forward in time, but it may be scattered as I dig up older photos and videos.